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Tiny Mant Hubby Vs Giant Wife Krystal!    
Length: 31.00 minutes     Size: 1,126.86 MB     Format: MP4
Krystal's tiny hubby is tired of getting treated like trash by his giant wife and today he challenges her in a battle between the sexes in hopes of getting back his authority! Though Krystal knows that he wont even come close to hurting her, she agrees to his little challenge but says if he gives up from all the pain he's going to experience then he'll always be her little toy! Krystal grabs, squeezes, burns, pops, rolls him around in her giant wet mouth, and even stomps his tiny body beneath her giant soles! Who will win this battle of the sexes?! Giant Krystal or her poor pathetic tiny mant of a husband?!
$ 19.99