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  • V251 Victoria's Soles 30min
  • VV4575 Tiny Tortures Comp. 55MIns
  • V027a Salt and Pepper 30min
  • VV1474 Tickle Tickle Tickle 60mins
  • V515 Jenna J Stocking Soles 30min
  • V386 Terri & Kat baby oil 60 mins
  • V271 Tabby and Mel tinyman Crush 26min 'PC'
  • VV4574 Sweaty Feet, and Foot Smelling Revenge Comp. 46Mins
  • V282 Paris 30min
  • VV3201 Girls POV Stomp Lynn Compilation 63mins

vv4721 Foot Lick Comp
Lame Christmas Party! Sarah is sitting out on the patio, she's at a Christmas party and it is so boring, this is the worst party shes ever been too! Riley is behind her listening in on her conversation, hearing her talk to one of her friends about the party. As Riley sips on her drink ease dropping, she decides to ask her if she wants to come to her house instead. They would have a lot more fun there! Sarah agrees and they get in the car to take off. They arrive at her house and they go outside relaxing still drinking, as Sarah turns her back Riley strikes and pours her special liquid into her drink. Sarah turns back around and starts to drink more. Sarah suddenly feels really tired and sleepy! As she crashes onto the floor, Riley is super excited, she succeeded! She grabs her special blanket and wraps her up like a mummy! Riley goes down to her feet, and starts pulling her shoes and socks off. She smells the insides of her sweaty shoes, they stink so good! She then peels off her socks, there moist and extra stinky! Riley loves this so much! She then starts to lick and suck on her toes and then twirls her wet long tongues on her wrinkly soles, that she loves so much! Riley loves getting young innocent victims! Watch what Riley does next, she wants to keep her forever as her little play toy! She has the most tasty beautiful sweaty soles she's ever put her wet tongue on! Shaylee Licked By Saige and Breezy!!! Shaylee is all laid back and relaxing beyond ready for saiges and breezys wet warm mouths!!! Cinnamon Gets Tongue Off Two! Cinnamon is laid back in her tie dye bikini ready to get worshiped by Makayla and Stella! She loves her foot bitches and watches there wet tongues roll all around her bare wrinkly soles, and they suck Cinnamon's bare toes extra deep! They just cant get enough of her tasty feet! Stella and Makayla make sweet love to Cinnamon's bare soles and toes getting them all nice and wet!
$ 25.00

vv4720 Crush Comp.
Makayla Talks Sexy To Boyfriend While Crushing! Makayla is standing on the glass table wearing her bra and panties to show off that sexy little body of hers while she shows those goldies who the fucking boss is!! Makayla only uses her heels to destroy each and every last one of those goldies!! While showing the goldies that she is a boss ass bitch and the main boss ass bitch at that she talks sexy to her boyfriend who is watching asking him if he see's how crushed that goldie is and I'm heavier than I look... I'm not a light girl. 'PC' Sexy Asian Talks To Boyfriend While Crushing! This sexy petite Asian Candice is ready to destroy these Goldies with putting all her body weight down on their cold slimy bodies!!! Using her BARE HEEL crushing each Goldie Candice says things to her boyfriend like " Do you see how crushed he is?" and " OMG he is completely flat, I'm a lot heavier than I look.. I'm not a light girl" Candice Claps Cricks! Candice is in the kitchen with a bucket of cricks!!! She is so excited to show these cricks what her beautiful hands can do when she throws them up in the air then claps their bodies to nothing! 'PC' Krystal Crushes With Her Ass 'PC' Krystal is ready to crush some cricks. She use her bare ass to end there lives. She sits on some of the cricks using the stool. She squishes some against the wall. She does some between her butt cheeks. Krystal loves using her big juicy ass to crush the Crick men!! 'PC'
$ 25.00

vv4719 comp crush
Cinnamon And Grayson Demolish With There Feet 'PC' Cinnamon and Grayson are both ready to demolish everything with there big feet. They are going to crush worms, cricks and pill men. The girls start off crushing with there flat soled sandals on, then they remove there shoes and start squishing everything barefoot. They love the way there helpless bodies feel under there giant feet. They make there guts squirt out everywhere. 'PC' Cinnamon Crushes Pill Men 'PC' Cinnamon has all these pill men in a shot glass teasing them with her big soles. She moves to the floor and takes them out of the glass one by one and crushes them with her giant feet. She uses different parts of her feet to crush each one. Some get the ball some get the heels and some get her giant toes. She flattens all the pill men until there just wet little stain under her feet. 'PC' Pink Crushes Hot Dogs, Craws And Fried Chicken 'PC' Pink is ready to crush everything with her big feet. She has some craws roaming around that she flattens with her big soles. She flattens craws, hot dogs and Fried Chicken!! Pink steps on everything flattening it all with her big flip flops!! Shaylee Crushes Pill Men 'PC' Shaylee is ready to crush the little tiny pill men. She crushes one under her pretty heels and than sticks one under her toes in her heels. She than removes her shoes to flatten one on the floor under her nylon feet. She takes the nylons off and puts a pill man inside of it and slides them back on. She teases him for a bit before squishing him making a stain. 'PC' Makayla Loves To Sexual Harass Her Victims! 'PC' Makayla is dressed in her sexy red lingerie, and has a cage full of cricks that she's going to enjoy ridding each one off! She has so many surprises up her sleeve! Makayla loves to put her crickys in different sexual parts of her bodies and make them cum on each spot! Makayla loves putting them on her bare ass and sitting on them, she likes gluing them in crazy areas which is so sexy to her! She loves watching them squirt it makes her horny and happy! Makayla loves sex harassing her cricky men! 'PC'
$ 25.00

Comp Cora Candice Dipping Dangling Teasing!!
Candice Stocking Tease Length: 10 mins Candice is wearing her cute little dress and sheer black stockings. She slides off her shoes and props her feet up on the table. She does lots of toe pointing and wiggles her toes. She even shows off her amazing toe spread. Realtor Cora Stands With Extremely Sore Feet! Length: 30 mins Cora is on the phone talking to some buyers that is interested in a home that she's selling. Cora is in her thick high heels and there starting to get sore from standing for so long. As Cora dips in and out of them, she uses a pencil to relieve some pain working it in between her toes. Cora really starts struggling pulling her stocking feet in and out of her heels, after awhile she pulls them out cooling them off in front of a fan! Cora cant stand it anymore and sits down propping them up in front of the cool air spreading her toes! Cora Makes You Her Foot Boy Length: 10 mins Cora is sitting on the sofa with her sandals up on the coffee table, she looks at the camera and says "on your knees foot boy" She picks up a small remote and she says you gotta learn to be careful what you wish for. She presses a button on the remote and says "over here" Camera POV at this point should be right at her soles with her face in the back ground, She is flexing in her sandals for about 60 seconds as she talks. She tells you, you fucked up that you should of been content with buying feet pictures online. That wasn't good enough for you so Cora is gonna train you to be her foot boy!
$ 25.00

VV4575 Tiny Tortures Comp. 55MIns
Babysitter Chloe Eats Burps And Enjoys Her New Tiny Toy:Babysitter Chloe is running a little late to watch a little boy, Josh. When she arrives she sees something on the ground and realizes it's the little boy she is supposed to be watching! She teases him about his new tiny size and thinks he looks cute! However, that doesn't stop her from forcing him to worship her giant bare feet while she eats, drinks, and burps! Finally, she picks him up and uses him as a toothpick to get some leftover food out of her giant teeth. While he's in her mouth she burps on him just to be mean right before swallowing him whole and burping once more to show her satisfaction! Chloe then relaxes and comes up with a good believable story to tell his mom about why he's not there! Breezys Tiny Boyfriend Has Something New To Worry About:Breezy's boyfriend comes home after work confessing to her that he has had a very stressful day and his overall anxiety level has been off the roof lately. To get his mind completely off work and stress, she decides he should solely focus on her for a while. Then, she gives him a big kiss and watches him shrink down to the size of a tiny bug while informing him that he's going to have a new problem to worry and stress about from now on! He won't even have time to worry about work instead, he's going to have to worry about her giant size 8 feet and worry about being squashed beneath them! On that note, Breezy's giant soles start chasing after her frightened little boyfriend and he finally forgets about all the stress that was bringing him down before! Suddenly, she loses sight of him because of his new tiny size and spends a while looking and searching everywhere for his whereabouts. Breezy eventually steps right on top of his tiny body, making him stick like glue to the bottom of her sweaty sole! When she finally realizes where he is, she is in love with how he feels pressed to the bottom of her sole and decides to keep him there! Now, all she has to do is call his work and inform them that he's sick and won't be coming in for a few days! Breezy smiles at all of the things she can do with him and all the places she can take her new bug sized boyfriend! Raven Eliminates 3 Inch Ex With Her Giant Feet Since He Loves To Cheat:Raven is pacing back and forth barefoot while talking to her girlfriend on the phone and complaining about her cheating ex boyfriend. As she walks, she steps on her tiny 3 inch ex every time she passes by having no idea he is on the floor. Finally, he manages to get away from his ex girlfriends giant feet and takes cover in one of her giant flip flop. However, his body gets trampled once again when Raven slips her feet back inside her flops and stands on his tiny body with all her weight still unaware of his presence. She walks around with him beneath her feet for a few minutes until she gets a call from him informing her that he is inside her flip flop and she is crushing him! Looking down, Raven finally notices him and laughs evilly asking him how her big size 9 feet feel on top his tiny helpless body! Still on the phone with him, Raven continues to pace around with him stuck beneath her foot, giving him all her weight. Finally,she takes him out of her flip flop and decides to crush him out! Repeatedly, she steps on him slowly and pauses for a few seconds so he never gets a break. Shortly after, she can feel his body finally giving out and his bones breaking beneath her foot. At least she will never have to worry about running into her cheating ex from now on! Eva Burps On The Tiny Twerp:Eva finds her tiny boyfriend in her warm cozy shoes. Since he loves smelling her feet so much, she slides his tiny body up and down her soiled sweaty socks to let him swim in all her foot sweat! Then, she removes her stinky socks and places him right in front of her beautiful bare feet and forces him to worship every inch of them right before shoving him right between her toe jam infested toes! While he's giving them a good clean, Eva eats, drinks, rudely burps, and downgrades him a bout his tiny size especially compared to her gigantic feet! Next, she hovers his tiny body over her mouth until she finally drops him inside to get a good taste. While sliding him between her tongue and swirling him around in her giant mouth, she burps and laughs asking him if it smells good. Finally, she swallows him and burps one last time telling him to enjoy her stomach.....forever!
$ 25.00

VV4574 Sweaty Feet, and Foot Smelling Revenge Comp. 46Mins
Shaylee Trains Disobedient Foot Slave:Hali is on the phone with a friend explaining how her master Shaylee has been treating her as her own personal foot slave. She goes on about how persistent and demanding she is and how she always makes her worship her nasty, stinky, sweaty feet! Little does she know, Shaylee has over heard her entire conversation and has put a little special knock out potion in her drink! Thanking her for the drink, Hali takes a huge sip while Shaylee goes upstairs to take a nap. A few seconds later, Hali feels a sudden dizzy feeling and slowly passes out on the couch. When she awakes, she finds herself beneath a chair with her wrists tied to the legs and her ankles tied tightly together. Suddenly, Shaylee walks in, takes a seat above Hali, and informs her she overheard her entire shit talking conversation! Then, she warns her that being her foot slave is not an option and she needs a bit more training so she can learn to be more loyal! Next, she removes one of her heels and forces Hali to kiss them all over and proceeds to make her sniff the insides. Pleading for mercy, Hali is scared and frightened and knows what Shaylee is capable of but her master is hearing none of it. Next, Shaylee places bondage cuffs on each of her ankles and binds them to a collar placed around Hali's neck. While Shaylee's friend Riley is ferociously tickling Hali's bare feet, Shaylee is busy rubbing her sweaty nylons all over her face. For the next few minutes, Hali is demanded to smell and kiss all over her masters bare soles and is reminded that from now on if she is not obedient, she will be forced to replay this little session all over again anytime Shaylee wants! Shell Cant Take Her Sweaty Boot Smell:Shell can't wait to relax and take a load off her sweaty boot feet! They are so tired and sweaty from being smothered all day inside her thick socks and boots. After a few minutes, Shell removes her tall boots and exposes her clammy socked toes and soles. Then, she goes to slip out of her socks finally exposing her sweaty wet feet! She can't believe how sweaty and how stinky they are! Using her fingers, she rubs her soles to see just how much sweat has really collected on them after her long day in boots and socks! Kookies Head Box Revenge: Kookie has Riley with her head trapped inside a head box with her hands tightly tightly to the box where she has no chance of escape. All because Riley wanted to go behind her back and send nude pics of Kookie all over Facebook! Now it's time for her punishment! She forces Riley to smell and inhale all the stinky aroma from her stinky sneakers and then goes barefoot from some ultimate foot punishment! Using her bare stinky toes, she grabs at Riley's nose and squeezes, forcing her smell all the stinky stench coming off them, while downgrading her and warning her that she's going to post all these pics of Riley getting tortured for all of face book to see just as she did her! Kookie rubs and massages Riley's poor pathetic face and scrunches her toes deep inside her nose to give her the ultimate stinkiest smell of her lifetime! Kookie ignores Riley's pleas for help and informs her that since she lost her man over the nude Facebook pics that she is going to go fuck Riley's man to even up the score!
$ 25.00

VV4573 Crick Stomp 'PC' 49MIns
Saige Makes Tiny Crick Man Perv Watch 'PC':Saige is in her room and is in the process of getting herself dressed and ready for the day. Little does she know, her stalker is watching her carefully from a small distance. Finally, she catches him as she is sliding on her black bootie heels to match her black clothing choice. Knowing what a pervert he is, and how much he is mesmerized by her, she offers him to follow her downstairs into the kitchen for a surprise. Once in the kitchen, she holds up a magic and in front of his face and watches as he shrinks down into a tiny crick man in front of her black bootie feet. Peering down at him with a huge grin on her face, she tells her tiny perv that she is now going to crush all of his friends right in front of him and save him for last! Without further remarks, Saige quickly begins grabbing crickman after crickman, exterminating them quickly by several different torture techniques. Every technique she uses, she is very sexy and playful with her victims and also for her tiny stalker below her. First, she uses her giant sky-scraping fingers to explode them between her fingers, letting them fall to the floor, ignoring if they are still alive. Sometimes, she slaps them between her palms, ending them instantly. Lighting up a cig, she uses the burning end of it to cook her victims insides and them drops them to the floor in front of her tiny perv and finishes it off with her sexy black bootie. Saige loves flattening the tiny cricks between her plump breasts and over top of female part, hoping the tiny stalker crickman gets turned on. Finally, she paces over her lifeless victims on the floor and grabs her final pervert victim. She raises him to her face and uses all the strength of her fingers to squeeze all of his juices out. Then, she casually tosses him to the floor, along with all his tiny non moving friends! 'PC'(HiDef) Three Girls Unaware Cru The Critters Before The Party 'PC':The sexy room mates, Shaylee, Hali, and Jane, are hosting a party later on that night at their house. All three girls are dressed sexy and are wearing their favorite high heels. As they pace through the kitchen going over plans and party invites, they have no idea that there are already some uninvited guests! Crawling around on the floor are tiny crick men that have come for the party as well! When any of the girls come close to one, they slowly step and bring their heel right down on top their tiny bodies, crushing them instantly like an oversized zit. The pests are everywhere and they even stick to their asses as they sit on them and flatten them like a pancake! Continuing to go over plans, the girls eventually slips out of their heels and reveal their beautiful bare soles. Just like before, the crick men seem to trail right in their paths and end up getting jammed instantly and explode everywhere beneath their soles! Taking a break from walking, the girls will stop in place, raise their heel and expose the remains from their invaders. Their bare soles and toes are covered in guts and juices by the time the crick man colony is destroyed but they still have no idea of the massacre that just took place in their kitchen! 'PC'(HiDef) Laney Jamms In White Socks'PC':Laney went out to run a couple errands and came right back to her house only to discover while she was out that tiny crickmen invaded her kitchen... She has no clue how they got in but she quickly tries to take care of the problem.. Laney kicks her sneakers off and quickly starts jamming the tiny invaders into the ground and right into her white socks! Laney destroys every crick man she sees... she stomps them as hard as she can being sure to destroy every part of there little tiny bodies. Laney has to stop them from invading and get them our of her home immediately... the only way is to continue jamming them into the ground with her white socked feet!'PC'
$ 25.00

VV4572 Tied, Knocked out and Taken advantage of 57MIns
Saige Gets The Best Christmas Present Ever:Saige comes in the house to find one thing she has always wanted. Jill laying on the floor all wrapped up in plastic with a sign that says Merry Christmas. Saige has always wanted to tickle and worship Jill's big beautiful feet and now is her chance. Saige sniffs and kisses all over her big sweaty feet taking in all the aroma loving every min of it. She wants Jill to behave and enjoy it but she continues to act up so Saige punishes her by making her smell her sweaty socks. Saige puts both of her smelly socked feet on Jill's face than Saige takes off her socks and makes Jill Smell her sweaty soles and grabs her nose with her toes. Jill is helpless and has to take everything Saige gives her. Saige starts tickling JIll's big feet. She Runs a hairbrush back an fourth on her soles like shes playing a fiddle. Jill is laughing so hard she is crying. Saiges decides to give her a little break so she leaves to go shopping and tells Jill she will be back later to finish the job. Hali forces Riley To Get Licked:Riley has a busy day and just needs to get her videos finished so she can leave... Hali has other plans for her, she wants to lick Riley's feet and riley isn't down for it. Hali sneaks downstairs while riley has her back turned and knocks her out... once Riley is out cold hali ties her up puts her in the chair and tapes her mouth so nobody can hear her screams! Hali then wakes riley up letting her know she just wants to lick her feet, and now she has the perfect chance to do it... Hali slips riley's stinky boots off, and starts to smell her feet. Riley moans and groans trying to break free to get away from Hali... Hali has her tied tight, she continues to sniff and then starts to suck Riley's stinky sweaty feet... You get to watch while Hali gets her fulfillment from Riley's stinky feet!!! Does Riley start to enjoy Hali force licking her feet?
$ 25.00

VV4571 Cricks and Goldies 'PC' 45mins
Saige Shows The Cricks Whose Boss At All Costs 'PC':Boss lady Saige is about to go out to the club with her girlfriends wearing her sexy tight fitting dress, dark sheer stockings, and black high heel strappy sandals. Right before she goes, she needs to take out some aggression on her ex employees. A While back, after firing a bunch of her bad employees, she turned them into tiny crick men and have kept them in a cage at her disposal. Well, today is the day she is really going to take out some aggression on them that has built up over the weeks! First, she picks them out one by one from their cage and humiliates them for everything they did wrong when they were working for her. Then, she uses her fingers to crush their guts and squirt their juices everywhere, letting them fall to the floor ignoring whether they're dead of alive! Not only using her fingers, she also uses her heels to slowly crunch their tiny bodies as flat as a pancake! She twists her shoes and smears their guts before raising her heel up to show the stain they left on the bottom of her heel. When she finally, removes her heels, she uses her stocking feet to really squish and grind the shit out of them! Her toes playfully flirt with them right before stomping them into oblivion and smiling while verbally harassing them. Some cricks she brings close to her giant face to wish them farewell right before splattering their guts between her fingers using all her might, getting an amazing close up view! Right before going out, she plucks out several lucky volunteers to go the club with her and uses them as insoles for her heels! Using tape, she straps their tiny bodies inside her heels and slips her stocking feet back into them! Now, she will get to crush and flatten their tiny bodies all night long and feel their guts ooze inside her stockings while dancing and enjoying the rest of her night! Saige's rage and aggression has finally faded away and she has never felt better! 'PC'(HiDef) Holiday Flattens The Military Bratts 'PC': Holiday found herself a little military friend, she is sick of sharing him with all of his little bratty friends. Holiday comes up with the best plan to get rid of them! She pulls out her favorite shoes and jamms them one by one, Holiday takes each one of them out and sticks them under her big juicy heel and puts all her weight on them to jamm their little tiny bodies! Holiday wants to make sure her military friend is all hers!(Hidef)'PC'
$ 25.00

VV4570 Transform and Jam 'PC' 29Mins
Boss Lady Hali Transforms Employees Into Cricks And Crushes The Pricks 'PC' Boss lady Hali is ready to crush and kill every last one of her bad employees! She cast a little spell and transformed them all into tiny little crick men, making them vulnerable and easier to kill! Using her fingers and all her held back aggression, Hali crunches some of their tiny bodies between her fingers, causing their insides to explode all over her hands! Her long, dark, stocking legs and black strappy high heels may look sexy but can be very dangerous when they are chasing after her bad employees! She towers above them, and raises her heel high into the air before dropping it right down on their tiny bodies, flattening them instantly like a pancake! When she finally removes her heels, Hali knows her stocking soles are going to get a good massage and work out by her tiny employees and are going to be gushing with crick guts when she's finished with them all! After teasing a few with her toes and humiliating them for all the bad they've done, she uses the ball of her foot to pop their bodies and explode their guts beneath her stocking soles! We even watch her tape one down to the floor, making it a very easy kill and we also see her bite one in half with her giant teeth to show how powerful and angry she is at them all! Once she has eliminated most of her employees, Hali has a whole new company to start now and she cannot wait to get it going! 'PC'(HiDef)
$ 25.00

VV4569 Wanted Wrinkles and Foot Punishments 42Mins
Hali Has Always Wanted Destinys Wrinkles:Hali has been dying to get a taste of her co worker, Destiny's, sweaty stinky feet for months now and has finally got her chance. Now, she has Destiny tied to a chair with her legs extended out in front of her so her feet can be easily accessed! Once Hali confesses how badly she has been wanting Destiny's feet to Destiny herself, she then tapes her mouth shut so no words can come out, only moans and groans! Then, Hali sniffs and removes her shoes and socks before wrapping her lips around her sweaty toes and bobbing up and down in the air. The taste is absolutely amazing and Hali can't get enough! She uses her nose to press hard against Destiny's soles and then swirls her tongues recklessly all across her wrinkly soles. Finally, Hali decides to test out Destiny's ticklishness and uses her sharp finger nails to tickle her bare soles. Having no choice but to sit there and take it, Destiny bursts out with laughter and begs for mercy. When Hali has had her way, is satisfied, and removes the tape from her mouth, Destiny informs her that she can have her feet from now on anytime she likes! Secretarys Get Shaylees Feet As A Punishment Treat:Shaylee is very disappointed with her two secretaries, Breezy and Cali. They're always running late, taking too long of a break, or doing something she doesn't approve of. Today, she is going to teach them a lesson and let them take a break from the computer and focus on her sweaty bare feet as a punishment treat! Both girls knew this punishment has been a long time coming and they slowly slide their tongues up and down her sweaty soles. Their tongues flick between the spaces of her toes and then their lips wrap around them as they suck on them with all their might. Shaylee loves foot fucking both their sweet mouths and wiggling her long toes down the back of their throats. They share a foot while Shaylee smokes a cig and both girls look sexy as hell rolling and swirling their tongues around and between her toes!
$ 25.00

VV4568 Dirty feet, Foot slaves, and sweaty Feet 61MIns
Phoebe Talks Dirty To You:College girl Phoebe tells you what she's going to do to you with her big size 10 feet. She's gonna make you smell and kiss all over her sweaty stinky feet. Phoebe knows you like to get down and dirty, She tells you to drop your pants and get on all fours. Phoebe wants to her you scream as she rams her size 10 deep into your ass hole. She loves to hear you beg, She wants to hear you beg. Beg her to let you lick all that shit and sweat off her big sexy feet. Phoebe wants her friend to come and join the fun. Shes gonna jack him off with her feet until he cums all over them making you lick them clean. Phoebe Makes You Her Foot Slave:Phoebe Has you right where she wants you... At Her feet and while your on your knees she taunts and tease you! She knows exactly why you came over, you wanted to see the real MVP's Feet.. Phoebe makes you beg before pulling her socks off and sticking her wrinkled soles right in your face! She tells you how worthless you really are and how you will never be good enough for her perfect size 10s... Phoebe continues to tease making you take off your pants and Jack off to her wrinkled soles, she just cant get enough of degrading you and telling you how worthless you really are and how your never going to be Good enough for her feet! Phoebe And Shaylee's Sweaty Soles:The girls come in after a long day. Their feet are all hot and sweaty. They take their shoes off and then their socks. They both prop their feet up letting them air out while chatting. Both girls have really big feet. They wiggle and spread their toes for you as they talk about how sweaty and stinky they are. Riley And Jill Give Dream A Good Welcome Back:Dream has been gone for a while and now she's back. Riley and Jill give her a welcome back massage that is out of this world. They lick and suck all over her big size 13 feet. Dream doesn't think Riley can fit that big foot in her little mouth. Riley amazes her when she proves her wrong. Both girls lick in between every single toe, sucking on them like its a big hard c*ck. This wet massage is going to make dream have wet dreams. She will for sure be back for more.
$ 25.00

VV4567 Exterminators Crush and Destroy 'PC' 49Mins
Hot SSF Exterminators destroy in Socks 'PC': The Hot SSF exterminators wont be happy until they Get all The Creepers From the House... The girls each take turns destroying the creepers they found in socks! While you watch them hard a work you get to see There oh so delicate but Harsh southern feet flattening everything they have come across... They flatten and Observe they want to be sure to get them all! (Underglass Crush) 'PC' Hot SSF Exterminators Aren't Finished Just Yet 'PC': Now that the Hot Ssf exterminators think they are finished they all stand a chat in the kitchen about what club they plan to go to tonight!!! While they are talking about how much dancing they are going to do one of the girls catches a critter crawling and jamms it with her bare stocking foot! Suddenly tons of Unwanted pests are Over Flowing in the kitchen all the Hot Exterminators Jump Back In to Action Jamming stomping and Flattening! Just When they Thought They were done they have to get back to work again!'PC' Hot SSF Exterminators Barefoot Walkover:The hot ladies of SSF exterminators Brynn, destiny, Saige, Riley and Makena have their work cut out for them. The ladies take turns walking across the sea of pests. Smashing them with the balls of their bare feet. Some of the pests try to get back at the ladies but they just smear their insides everywhere. Hot SSF Exterminators Choose How They Die'PC':The hot SSF exterminators are at it again... they have gathered more creepers and they get to choose how they die.. Brynn, destiny, Saige and Makena are prepared! They choose to Jam and destroy with their heels... They wanna hear crunching and popping and snapping to make sure the job is done! As they destroy you get to watch them use their highly arched feet in hot high heels! These hot Exterminators wont let anything get in the way of them doing the Job!(underglass crush)'PC' Hot SSF Exterminators Clear The House'PC':SSF's Hottest Exterminators have been called out to clear a house! All ladies come prepared and ready to take on whatever mysterious Creepers that have taken over the house! The ladies kick off their heels and get to work, they start jamming and flattening creepers under their panty hosed feet! while the Hot exterminators flatten you get under glass views of everything they are jamming and flattening! Once the exterminators know exactly what they are working with they kick it up a notch and peel off their pantyhose and start jamming, and flattening! These hot exterminators make sure they take care of the problem!'PC' ( All Clips are on www.Toejac.com)
$ 25.00

VV4566 Clingy Brothers and Shrinking Boyfriends 56Mins
Paige Performs Boyfriends Ultimate Fantasy:Paige arrives home after work and immediately calls out for her husband. However, she gets no reply and wonders why he's not home because they had big plans today! He has been begging her for months to role play his giantess girlfriend while he plays her tiny boyfriend and she would do anything he wanted her to. Little does she know, right before she got home, he accidentally shrunk down to a tiny size and is now running around on the floor trying to get her attention. Finally, Paige steps on his tiny body and assumes it's a tiny toy her boyfriend left out for them to use in their role play. After a while, she begins to wonder what it would feel like beneath her stocking feet and sticks him right between them, rolling him around between her soles. she uses her foot to rub every part of his tiny body taunting and teasing him by wiggling her toes on his manhood getting into her role as a giantess. The tiny boyfriend is scared but enjoying every part of it at the same time especially when she starts to stomp and come more aggressive towards him. Then, she raises her foot high and stomps on top of him with all her might and grinds him with her stocking heel deep into the carpet. Paige plays her role so well that the tiny boyfriend can't help but to cum all over his girlfriends stockings toes and soles! Finally, she gives him a big kiss and licks his body with affection and informs him that she hopes that he loved it just as much as she did! In fact, for a minute she forgot she had been stomping on a toy and imagined it really was her tiny boyfriend! Belles Clingy Boyfriend:Belle is resting after straightening up the garage. She has her ex actually clinging to her sole for dear life. He always would follow her, stalk her and be with her 24/7. But she is in a new relationship and he isn't mad at all because what can he do as the size of an ant? She makes him clean her feet since he is already there. Crinkling her soles to make almost a step ladder for him to climb. Her dirty soles are gonna be a job for the tiny clingy boyfriend. Holiday Bro Catches The Shrinking Virus:Holiday has come home to find out her brother has Caught the shrinking virus... She can't believe it. When She walks in she looks for her brother, she knows all about his foot fetish so every time she comes home she lets her little bro lick her feet! Holiday lets her brother get to work on her feet while she falls asleep and takes a little nap! While holiday is sleeping her little brother tickles her and she accidentally kicks him off and He falls to the floor... Before he could get out of the way Holiday wakes up and her foot slamms right on top of him. Holiday accidentally Crushes her brother!!!! Holiday slowly picks her foot up and panics frantically he is jammed flat to her foot.. As Bad as Holiday feels she knew his biggest dream was to be Stuck to her soles... She puts on her flip flop and gets back to work, this time she is just taking him with her! ( All Clips are On www.Toejac.net)
$ 25.00

vv4565 Feet! Dirty, Big, Soft and Sexy 58Mins
Jala Gets Free Massage:Jala is working hard on a report for school when her younger sisters friend Lynn enters the room and can't help but notice how Jala is playing with her slingbacks beneath her chair. Lynn loves her feet and has always wanted to play with them. So, Lynn sneaks up behind Jala's chair and slowly runs her finger up and down her bare leg. Immediately, Jala can tell how much Lynn likes her feet and offers her to play with them all she wants while she continues studying. Now, Lynn massages her dirty sweaty soles with both hands and runs her fingers through all her wrinkles. Sometimes, she even sneaks in a few tickles just to hear Jala giggle! Lenore Runs on the Rocks:One of Lenore's favorite fans wants to see how tough her little soles really are! He wants to see her run on the gravel with bare feet! Lenore first has her running shoes on and runs down the gravel with no problem... she then removes her shoes and runs in bare feet. Once Lenore is done running she sits down in the grass and relaxes showing off her dusty feet and wrinkled soles! How tough do you think Lenore's feet are? Lenore kicks back and Relaxes in Sandals:Lenore is back at the house after a long hard day of work, now that she is home she gets to kick her feet up with her ankles crossed and Relax! While lenore's feet are kicked up she crosses her feet and flexes in her sandals! As she flexes and toe spreads you get close up views of her highly arched feet and cute little toes! Dream Makes You Her Foot B**ch:Dream has been walking around in her stinky sneakers all day with no socks.. Now that shes home and you've come over she kicks her Stinky shoes off right in your face and tells you that your going to be her Foot B**ch!!! Dream tells you exactly what she wants to do to you and she means it!!! Her Big stinky feet are going to be pampered and more!
$ 25.00

VV4564 Giantess and Foot Jerk off Comp. 38MIns
If Jamie Cant Have Him No One Can: Jamie is a bratty talker who has kidnapped her all time crush and is holding him captive in her house. She tries flirting, seducing, and just expecting him to go along with her fantasy and start dating her. However, when he tries to flee, Jamie throws herself against the door to block him and starts giving him quick kisses. Smiling, she stands back and watches as he begins to slowly shrink down until he is the size of a tiny bug! After chasing him around for a while, Jamie finally unaware steps on his tiny body while barefoot, causing him to stick like glue to the bottom of her sweaty foot! Eventually, she takes a seat and dangles her feet until she finally spots him beneath her sole. When she finally realizes he does not want to be with her, she informs him that if she can't have him, no one can! Not being able to handle his rejection, Jamie starts licking her lips and talks about how extremely hungry she is and that if he won't be her boyfriend he will be her food and be inside of her forever! Slowly, she places him inside her giant wet mouth and sloshes him around until she finally swallows him whole Raven meets a guy that she helped in a fight a few months back. Raven gave a guy her number that she helped break in a fight. He was getting his ass beat. She felt sorry for him so Raven gave him her number and they finally hooked up. He turned out to have a foot fetish and she lets him sniff, lick and gives him a wonderful foot job! (dildo cock)
$ 25.00

VV4563 Foot Collector Hali Comp. 62Mins
Foot Collector Stalker Gets A Sexy Street Whore Walker: Hali, The Foot Collector, runs upon a street whore she has seen walking the streets everyday. Stopping immediately, she asks if she needs a ride and is extremely happy when the prostitute asks her if she can bum one of her cigarettes. Little does she know, Hali has laced them with a light sedative that will cause her to get very drowsy and then eventually pass out! Once they arrive at Hali's house, she drags the passed out girl out of her car and into her house. When she gets the young girl positioned on the floor, Hali covers her up with a thin brown blanket and goes directly for her tall black stripper boots. Immediately, she smells the stench coming off them and goes to sniff her socks and finds they are just as stinky! Next, she starts pulling apart her toes and shoving her nose directly between them to get the source of all the stink. Before long, she's ravenously devouring her feet and sucking hard on all her toes. When the cigarette sedative finally wears off, the girl suddenly jerks up being dazed and confused. Immediately, Hali fights with her until she finally shoves her injector deep into the girls neck causing her to slowly pass back out. Continuing her worship, Hali straddles her hips and takes a few selfies with the prostitutes stinky feet! The taste of sweat and stink fills Hali's mouth and satisfies her taste buds so much, she can't take it any longer! She gets up and rushes to the bathroom to pleasure herself while thinking out loud how lucky she is to still be getting away with collecting young girls and keeping them as her foot bitches! Call Girl Brooke Meets The Foot Collector:Brooke is an escort who has just arrived at her clients house. A strange girl named Hali answers the door and informs Brooke she is also an escort and their client is waiting for them upstairs. Brooke changes her mind once she sees the other girl but Hali quickly shoots a dart right into her neck and watches her fall to the floor after a minute of struggling. Once unconscious, Hali covers her up in a thin brown blanket and removes her socks and tall boots after taking long hard whiffs of them both. Then, she smothers her face with Brooke's sweaty escort soles and begins devouring every inch of them. Her plan to gain a new foot bitch has worked once again and this girls feet are extremely salty and sweaty! When the girl finally comes to, Hali is quick to knock her back out and continue sliding her tongue between her toes and digging it between her wrinkles. After a few camera shots of Hali raping Brooke's feet, she runs to the bathroom hardly able to contain herself!
$ 30.00

VV4562 tiny Trouble Comp. 50Mins
If Jamie Cant Have Him No One Can:Jamie is a bratty talker who has kidnapped her all time crush and is holding him captive in her house. She tries flirting, seducing, and just expecting him to go along with her fantasy and start dating her. However, when he tries to flee, Jamie throws herself against the door to block him and starts giving him quick kisses. Smiling, she stands back and watches as he begins to slowly shrink down until he is the size of a tiny bug! After chasing him around for a while, Jamie finally unaware steps on his tiny body while barefoot, causing him to stick like glue to the bottom of her sweaty foot! Eventually, she takes a seat and dangles her feet until she finally spots him beneath her sole. When she finally realizes he does not want to be with her, she informs him that if she can't have him, no one can! Not being able to handle his rejection, Jamie starts licking her lips and talks about how extremely hungry she is and that if he won't be her boyfriend he will be her food and be inside of her forever! Slowly, she places him inside her giant wet mouth and sloshes him around until she finally swallows him whole! Cinamon squishes her bad student:Ms. Cinamon has been dealing with her outspoken rude student for far to long.... Today's mishaps really put Cinamon over the edge. She shrinks her bad student Trent and his fancy car and brings him home for some giantess punishment! As soon as Cinamon walks in the door she begins the cat and mouse game by chasing him on the floor with her her huge size 10 1/2 teacher flats! First she crushes his tiny car putting the weight of her on it, breaking the micro car into pieces with her giant flats. Cinamon chases Trent down plucks him up and puts his tiny shrunken body in her sweaty shoe and walks around, slowly squeezing him under the weight of her giant sole. Cinamon can't hear poor tiny Trent's pleas for help as she continues to torture and punish him by walking around. Cinamon then takes him and puts him in her candy bowl and treats him like a tiny piece candy, sucking on him in her wet mouth. Once Cinamon has had enough she lays him in her death flat for in-shoe crush! He is nothing but paste stuck to her giant sole! Jamie Crunches On Her Dad Unaware:Jamie walks into the living room calling out for her dad but can't find him anywhere. Thinking he might show up soon, she takes a seat and starts munching on some chips that someone has left out in a bowl. Little does she know, right before she came downstairs, her dad accidentally shrunk himself and is now on the floor screaming for her help! Since he is so tiny, his daughter is deaf to his tiny cries for help. Trying to get her attention else ways, he climbs up Jamie's body all the way up to her face. Suddenly, he loses balance and lands right in her chip bowl! Now he is scrambling trying to get out of the reach of her giant fingers! After several more bites, Jamie reaches down and snatches the chip that her tiny dad is on and brings them both to her giant lips. Holding them up to her mouth, she wonders out loud once more where in the world her dad went off to. Then, she slowly bites down and shoves the entire chip inside her mouth. As she chews, we see closeups of the chip being mixed in with her saliva! She has no idea she just ate her missing father! Tiny Step Dad Caught In Panty Basket:Jill is lying in bed wearing only her black bra and matching thong. Suddenly, she looks down and finds her step dad shrunken down to the size of a tiny bug, crawling around in her panty basket! After scolding him, she grabs his tiny body and places him right beside her on the bed. While she's on her phone, her tiny step dad is busy sneaking around getting views of her giant bare feet, legs, and panties. Suddenly feeling really bad for him because of his new size, Jill decides to let him play a little in her bra. However, she knows he likes being in her panties even more. Finally, she shoves him right inside her panties where he's tucked away nicely and can play the rest of the day while she's at school!
$ 30.00

VV4561 Foot play and foot worship Comp. 61MIns
Riley Learns The Art Of Foot Worship; Jill wants to see if her friend Riley has what it takes to lick and suck on her big sweaty feet! Extending her leg, she shoves her big, stinky, bare foot right in Riley's face and watches as she attempts her first foot worship. Riley slides her tongue slowly up and down Jill's sole and sucks on her toes like a small cock! However, Jill doesn't think Riley has quite got it yet. So, she shows her how it's done! Jill grabs Riley's bare foot and shoves it inside her wet mouth, covering it in her hot spit! She wedges her tongue between the spaces of her toes while Riley is busy enjoying the whole thing with her eyes closed in pleasure! Now that Riley has finally learned the correct art of foot worship, her and Jill both continue to worship and enjoy each others stinky bare feet! Foot Bitches Tongues Come Out To Play After Angie Runs All Day:Angie comes home after a long booze filled day of running, jogging, and walking out in town! Luckily, she comes home to two sexy foot bitches, Hali and Jala, that are ready to lick all the stink and sweat off her feet! After sniffing and removing both her sneakers and soiled socks, the girls get to work clearing out all the salty sweat from between her wrinkles! Angie forcefully foot fucks both their sexy little moths and watches her foot penetrate in and out of their lips. They both then share a foot and slide their tongues between all the spaces of her toes. Between running all day and having tons of liquor in her system, Angie's feet are feeling like a goddess! Holiday Takes it Off while Hali Licks: Holiday and Hali have been study partners for a while now and they are so used to hanging out every weekend so that's exactly what they spend the weekends doing. Holiday knows that Hali comes over for just more than studying but she goes along with it, while holiday has her feet kicked up She catches Hali sniffing her stinky sneakers. Holiday helps Hali out a little and takes off her shoe, then sticks her stinky black sock right in Hali face. Hali takes big whiffs of Holiday's stinky socks and Holiday loves every minute of it. Holiday then decides to make her self more comfortable and pulls her stinky black socks off and her hoodie. Hali then starts to kiss and lick holidays stinky feet, Hali is in head over heels for Holidays feet!!! Holiday continues to get comfortable and she takes off her pants and starts to lick her own foot while Hali continues to lick hers! Holiday is enjoying herself so much she strips off her shirt and bra while watching hali. While Holiday is topless and Hali is still licking one foot, Holiday continues to lick her own foot enjoying the quality time that her and Hali are having!(1000 MB Video or 1Gig )
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VV4560 Toe flexing, spreading, and Sandals comp. 52Mins
Kay Kay Admires Her Curvy Arches In Light Pink Sandals:Kay Kay loves how sexy her curvy arches feet are but she just bought a brand new pair of light pink thong sandals that makes them look way more sexy! She loves the way she can raise the ball of her foot and spread her toes in them and point her toes as hard as she can. She scrunches her toes and admires all her wrinkles on her sole. Finally, she slips them off and reveals her dirty yet beautiful bare soles. Smiling at how cute they, she spreads her toes to show off her amazing toe spread! Cali Scrunches Toes And Flexes Sandal Soles; watch petite little Cali dangle and flex in her cute light pink thong sandals. She relaxes in her chair and crosses her legs while shaking her ankles, causing her sandals to move on her feet. Cali then scrunches her toes, bending the soles of her sandals and raises the ball of her foot to show the inside of her sandals. Finally, she removes them and crosses her bare slightly dirty feet beneath her chair. The cool air helps dry them out and scrunching her toes on the carpet shows off all her cute little wrinkles! Eva dangles and Spreads in Flops; Eva Finds her a few minutes to relax, she gets on her phone to catch up on her social media and as she does so, she dangles her flip flops from her foot. Eva also toe spreads and flexes her soles to stretch her tired feet out. Eva continues to dangle and eventually her flop falls off of her foot, she then reveals her highly arched feet to you. Eva shows off every wrinkle she has on her soles. Jala Blows Smoke And Flexes In Thong Sandals : Jala lights up a cig and blows out a huge curtain of smoke while she flexes in her light pink thong sandals. They fit her so good and she absolutely loves the way they look and feel on her feet! As she continues to smoke above, her toes are scrunching below in her sandals. By doing this, we see all her wrinkles beneath her sole and we also see just how curvy her arches really are! She rotates her ankles to help show off every angle of her feet in her sandals and often points her toes to show off her amazing toe point! Finally, she slips out of them and reveals her bare slightly dusty soles! She crosses her ankles beneath her chair and scrunches her toes on the floor to show off her wrinkles once again!
$ 30.00