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Crush Therapy! 'PC'    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 688.12 MB     Format: MP4
Krystal has a lot of patients today that suffer from depression, ptsd, anxiety, anger issues, and addiction! Since no therapy sessions she has gave them worked, she has turned them all into craws! She thinks doing a crush session with them will cure them all! Krystal starts out very nice to them and tells them that they need to stay calm this will help! As Krystal slowly levels her thin soled heel down on there body as she slowly cracks and crushed there bodies flat to the floor! Krystal thinks this is such a great idea its really helping them! Krystal continues her therapy session with each and every patient as she twists and grinds them flat to the floor! Krystal has cured all there sickness! 'PC'
$ 14.50