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Emma stretches with shrunken yoga instructor     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 267.36 MB     Format: WMV

Emma's stretching with her yoga instructor when he suddenly shrinks down. She looks for him before spotting him running around on the mat. Emma doesn't know what to do so she puts him on her foot and continues working out. After awhile she see's he's enjoying being stuck in between her smelly toes so she puts him up to her face were she sees his tiny cock getting hard she begins rubbing it with her finger and as if it feels good before rubbing it with her sexy toes. She then picks him put and puts him in her mouth so she can taste all is tiny juices. Emma tells him he's going home with her and he's going to live him her feet. She gives him a final lick before dropping him by her crotch and continues working out. Emma places him in her sweaty toes again and she finishes up, then takes him and drops him in her pants and heads home.

$ 9.99


Alana Tiny Chinese Men    
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 327.30 MB     Format: WMV

Alana has two tiny Chinese that have traveled a long way to meet her. Since Alana is a goddess and wants everyone to worship her feet, she puts her tiny little chinks to work. She sticks her big giant feet right in front of them, she makes them massage her feet while she talks down to them. Alana lets them know they are good for nothing and all they will ever be are tiny foot slaves. She tortures and ridicules them more and glues them to her sexy feet. she notices that the tiny Chinese guy has a boner, she lets the other tiny Chinese which happens to be his girlfriend know that her giant feet turn him on. Alana teases him and makes him jerk off in front of his girl friend. The girl friend get very angry, Alana then threatens to squish her like a bug. Alana is so mad at the tiny Chinese girl she flicks her off of her foot, then stands up to stomp on her! Alana laughs at the little tiny man for being so sad about the death of his little girlfriend. Alana isn't finished torturing him yet, she keeps him glued to her foot rubbing him between her soles. Alana teases him about how he thinks she is attractive and he loves to worship her feet. Alana loves that she has a chink worshiping her feet she makes him jerk off more. (Hidef)

$ 13.99


Destiny Controls Tiny Hubby    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 277.63 MB     Format: WMV

Destiny comes home from work and finds her husband shrunken on the couch! She immediately gets excited! Now that he's tiny she can be completely in control. She picks up his tiny body and tells him how much she loves being in control! She pulls down his pants and starts rubbing on his tiny cock! He begs Destiny to help him but she sticks his tiny cock in her mouth! She sucks his little dick and says she knows he likes when she's in control! She finishes him off and lays him down on the couch and rubs her sweaty feet all over his tiny body! (HiDef)

$ 9.99


Destiny Rolls Dice To Decide Fate 'PC'    
Length: 24.00 minutes     Size: 520.23 MB     Format: WMV

Destiny has captured some "Crickmen" amd has decided to play a game with them, but first she has to get ready. She gets dressed and goes to her bathroom to fix her hair and touch up her makeup before going down stairs. She finishes and walks down and lays out her Crickmen crushing paper. Destiny picks up the cage they're in and taps at it, laughing as they squirm. She takes one out and rolls the dice. She takes them out one by one and slowly kills them. She smashes them with her fingers, burns them with cigarettes and smashes them between her boobs! (HiDef)

$ 18.75


Call Girl Selena Manipulates Micro Chinese Man    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 351.09 MB     Format: WMV

Selena is a giantis call girl and her newest customer is a very wealthy Chinese business man. Aaron has hired her to shrink him and take advantage of him. She rubs his little cock and asks him if he likes her giant hands on him. Selena takes it a step further to satisfy her customer and puts him in her mouth. She sucks on him and asks if her slobbery tongue feels good. As Selena is satisfying her customer, she looks down and sees what she thinks is a tiny ant in her carpet. Selena lifts her foot and smashes the ant into the carpet! She is completely unaware that Aaron's jealous girlfriend has shrank herself and sneaked into Selena's house! Selena looks down and notices that its not an ant! She freaks out! She picks up the tiny female body and demands Aaron to tell her who she is! Selena is scared because she's hurt her! She tells Aaron that its his girlfriends fault and Selena didn't do anything wrong! She sweet talks him and sucks on him some more as she tries to convince him to give her the information for his business! She sucks on him until he cums and he tells Selena everything she needs to know! She laughs and spits him out! Selena tells him she can't believe he thinks she actually likes him! It's obvious she just wants his money! She tells him that now he'll be kept as her boyfriend cock salve forever and his girlfriend will be her foot slave! (HiDef)

$ 12.99


Kendra And Holiday Unawear Tiny Boss     View Sample
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 457.02 MB     Format: WMV

Kendra and Holiday are at their office and they are sick of their boss and all the women he tries to get with, he never shows up to work, and when things get broken he cant step up and take responsibility to fix it. Kendra and Holiday have stopped caring, they are sick of being lied to. They decided to see where one of their co-workers are, of course they know exactly where she is. They confront their boss and Carrie and get nothing but lies! little did they know their boss was never gone he was just a tiny man and they couldn't hear his cries for help. The girls leave for lunch not knowing they had trampled their boss in their sexy heels!

$ 15.50


Kat and Selena Torture Tiny Chris Part Three    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 228.16 MB     Format: WMV

Kat and Selena have been torturing Tiny Chris and are having a blast. Kat has found a tiny toy the same size as Chris and is showing him what he's gong to have happen to him! The girls put the tiny toy under her feet and grind it into the glass. They laugh as they tell Chris this is whats going to happen to him. They take turns smashing the toy. They laugh and taunt Chris as they watch him tremble with fear! They continue this until finally deciding they're going to keep Chris around for a while to play with. (HiDef) (Part Three of Three)

$ 8.25


Kat and Selena Torture Tiny Chris Part Two    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 231.37 MB     Format: WMV

Kat and Selena have captured Little Chris and are taking turns playing with him! They laugh and taunt him as they try to make him run from them. Chris is terrified of their massive feet! They chase him and the other raises their foot and blocks him! They raise their heel in front of him and he's frozen in place! They laugh and tell him "you better run little man!" (HiDef) (Part Two of Three)

$ 8.25


Kat and Selena Torture Tiny Chris    
Length: 10.00 minutes     Size: 225.95 MB     Format: WMV

Kat came in and has a little cage in her hand. Her friend, Selena, asks her whats in the cage and Kat tells her she has captured Chris and shrank him down to microsize. Selena gets excited and wants to smash Chris but so does Kat! The girls start arguing over who will get to do it than decide to make a game of it! Kat says if Selena can make him run, while Kat holds her foot in front of him than Selena will get to smash him and vice-verse! The girls take turns trying to make tiny Chris run but have discovered if you hold your foot in front of him with your heel raised, he won't go anywhere! He's too terrified to move! (HiDef) (Part 1 of 3)

$ 8.25


Stripper Emma and Selena Jamm Cheap Customers 'PC'    
Length: 16.00 minutes     Size: 346.37 MB     Format: WMV

Strippers, Emma and Selena, and have had a shitty day. All their customers have been total cheapskates today and they're super pissed! They don't want to pay up for their dances and blow jobs! They've decided to get revenge on these assholes! Emma has shrank them all down to the size of "crickmen" and has them in a cage. The girls take them out one by one and cuss them for being such dicks! They throw their tiny bodies on the ground and grind them into the floor with their stripper feet! (HiDef)

$ 13.99


Shaylee and Jane Jamm Them Flat 'PC'    
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 290.70 MB     Format: WMV

Shaylee and Jane have had enough of their ex's, they want revenge in the worst way, so they shrink them and have a little fun! They squash the tinies with their huge soles and long wide big toes! They talk to them and tell them how much they hate them jamm them between their fingers! Shaylee and jane feel like they are getting the ultimate revenge on their stupid ex's!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 11.25


Jane And Her Lonley Boyfreind     View Sample
Length: 15.00 minutes     Size: 334.62 MB     Format: WMV

Jane is sitting at the table talking to her boyfriend. He says no one likes him. Jane reassures her boyfriend and tells him not to worry, she cares about him and he will never be lonely again as long as shes around. Jane kisses her boyfriend to make him feel better. Jane Kisses her boyfriend and telling him how delicious he is. Jane has an idea to make her boyfriend feel even better, she shrinks him! Jane looks down at her boyfriend standing in front of her huge feet, telling him she could squish him like a little bug under her sweaty bare feet. Jane steps on him a couple times telling him how sweaty and stinky her feet are, Jane even picks her boyfriend up and licks her lips seductively teasing him. Jane kisses her boyfriend and tells him everything will be okay. Jane tells her boyfriend he could be dinner and rub's her stomach telling him he belongs in it. Jane tells her boyfriend not to be scared because she will swallow him whole. she tells him he will slide down her throat and become part of her. Jane licks her lips at him more then decides she done playing with her little pretty boy and she swallows him whole. (Hidef)

$ 12.50


Katie and Chloe tease and torture tiny man     View Sample
Length: 20.00 minutes     Size: 444.18 MB     Format: WMV

Katie and Chloe are searching everywhere in the house to try and find there tiny man slave but with know luck. He got loose and is now trying to hide from them. They walk around and almost step on him from time to time. When he makes a break for the door Katie sees him and stomps her foot right in front of him! He backs up trying to get away as she's walking towards and he backs up right into Chloe! He turns around looks up and sees both the beautiful lady's, he is terrified but the girls are ready to have some fun with him. Chloe lifts her barefoot up and puts it right on top of his tiny body then Katie has a turn. Chloe gets the idea to put there feet together so they can both feel his bones crush at the same time. There feet are so stinky he cant handle it ans soon passes out from the horrid smell! When he comes to the girls put him right up to there mouths and begin telling him all the horrible things they can do to him and that if he don't obey he will face the consequences! Chloe and Katie then make him stay as they turn around to put there stinky bare feet back in his face. They tease him by wiggle and spreading there toe making him smell every inch of there soles. Chloe sees him about to pass out again so the girls shove there feet hard into his face until he goes out!

$ 12.50


Kookie Smashes Worm Men 'PC'    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 493.05 MB     Format: WMV

Kookie has captured some "Worm Men" and has decided to have fun with them! She puts them on the ground and grind their tiny bodies in different shoes then barefoot! (HiDef)

$ 17.50


Kookie Has a Tiny Man in a Car     View Sample
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 477.33 MB     Format: WMV

Kookie has invited over a guy to drink with her and he has no clue what she has in store for him! He comes in and she fixes him a drink and starts flirting! He starts to feel funny but keeps on sipping on his drink. He has slowly begun to shrink! He's shrunk down to microsize and Kookie laughs at him! She teases him about being so small and tells him he better run! He looks around and sees a small car and hops inside! Kookie laughs and picks up the little car with him inside! She rubs the tiny car all over her body and moans with pleasure! She sticks the car in her bra and when she pulls it out, the car is even tinier! Kookie teases and taps on the car and asks the little man if he's scared! She puts the car in her panties and than pulls it out and it's even smaller than before! (HiDef)

$ 18.50


Emma and Josie Lesbian Crush    
Length: 22.00 minutes     Size: 497.80 MB     Format: WMV

Emma is having a masquerade party and has invited her friend, Josie, over to party with her! Emma has a cage of "tinies" for them to crush as their entertainment for the night! They take the "tinies" out of the cage and rub them on each others bodies. They have a crush on each other and it's turning them on to be all over their bodies! They crush them with their fingers and throw them down to the floor! (HiDef)

$ 15.50


Kookie takes care of her shrunken brother     View Sample
Length: 13.00 minutes     Size: 280.72 MB     Format: WMV

Kookie's on the phone with her mother telling her every things going to be fine while she watches her brother. She goes to sit down and sits right on his head! Being sarcastic she tells him she's sorry then continues to talk to her mom. She gets off the phone and begins talking to her tiny brother Chris, telling him that he's only going to get smaller and that there going to have lots of fun together and if her mom ask she's going to tell her she can't find him so she can have her way with him. The next day she comes out in her cute bathing suite and walks over to his tiny house and begins tapping on it. She pulls him out and takes him over to the couch and tells him she can do whatever she wants with him, she sticks her tongue out and licks his tiny body. He hates this but Kookie doesn't care. She tells him she has just the place for him and pulls her bra down and sticks him right on her nipple! She leaves him in there and gets a call from her mom, she tells her she hasn't found her brother yet but to remember he's always close to there hearts as she squeezes her tit where he's at. Kookie gets off the phone and continues to torture her little brother telling him all she can do to him. She then puts him on the couch and gets up to turn on the t.v before going and sitting right on him! Kookie lets out a fart right on his face and laughs saying she shouldn't have ate all the Mexican food and ask how it smells. She then picks him up and tells him exactly whats going to happen. She's going to eat him and let him run down her belly before finally shitting him out! She puts him in her mouth and finishes him off!

$ 11.99


Hali Underglass Jam 'PC'    
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 257.93 MB     Format: WMV

Hali stands on the table to finish off her students, she even jams them with a toothpick so they cant move and she slowly puts her toes and ball of her foot all over them, she gives them the middle finger. Hali is so annoyed with them she acts like a cruel bitch! she finishes off all her students and then relaxes with her jammy soles!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 10.50


Hali Student Toewrestling Jam 'PC'     View Sample
Length: 11.00 minutes     Size: 241.02 MB     Format: WMV

Hali sits down and gets more revenge on her students, she decides to jam them between her sexy red toes. she takes more photos and she even lights a cigarette and blows some smoke in her students faces! Hali has had enough!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 10.50


Hali Gets Revenge on Her Students'PC'     View Sample
Length: 12.00 minutes     Size: 262.35 MB     Format: WMV

Hali comes home and she is upset with her students, she removes her shoes and makes her students smell her feet, She jams a couple of the students to show the others how pathetic their lives will be. she starts torturing the tiny students she tapes a couple students and takes a photo of them, she then jams them with her foot! she takes photos of them jammed on her feet, She humiliates them more by showing off her dirty jammy soles! Hali gets the revenge she has been waiting for!(Hidef)'PC'

$ 11.50